🫂Affiliate Hub

Partnership Affiliate Program

To expand the user base and develop MetaHub on a global scale, MetaHub has introduced the "Partnership Affiliate Program" where partners will help the project reach new users through a dedicated referral link for the "Partnership Affiliate Program".

The Affiliate Hub acts as a central hub for partners belonging to the "Partnership Affiliate Program". It is a place for gathering, connecting, and supporting partners in introducing new users to join MetaHub. Through the Affiliate Hub, partners in the "Partnership Affiliate Program" contribute significantly to the development and success of MetaHub. They not only effectively promote the project's values and potential but also interact with and support new users in the process of integrating into the MetaHub ecosystem. These partners play a crucial role in building a vibrant and sustainable community, making a significant contribution to the comprehensive global development of MetaHub.

There are two types of referral links: one for the "Partnership Affiliate Program" and one for users. The referral link mentioned here is specifically for the "Partnership Affiliate Program".

To get started, please visit the website https://partnership.metahub.finance/ and fill in all the required information. We need this information to assess and review your profile.

After you have submitted your application, we will proceed to check and review the information meticulously. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to guide you through the next steps only if your application is approved.

You can be an individual or an organization and are willing to verify your identity as well as have the capability to help MetaHub develop a strong community. We warmly welcome you and will carefully evaluate your competency profile.

We assess competency profiles based on various factors, including experience, professional knowledge, influence, and the ability to create value for the community. We assess the potential contributions you can bring and how you can support MetaHub in building a strong community.

If your competency profile is approved, we will provide you with a special referral link. This referral link will allow you to introduce MetaHub to potential individuals and guide them to join our community.

We believe that your role in helping us develop the community is extremely important, and we are committed to supporting you throughout this process. You will have the opportunity to build relationships and connect with new users, share the value of MetaHub, and contribute to sustainable growth.

Let's join forces to become strong partners, build a thriving community, and contribute to the success of MetaHub.

c. What are the commissions and benefits of the Affiliate Hub?

Depending on your competency profile and performance, we will review and evaluate to provide you with special rewards and dedicated support. We understand that each partner has unique characteristics and contributions, so we aim to create a customized and flexible program that meets the specific needs and goals of each partner.

Once your competency profile is approved, you will receive all the relevant information regarding commissions and benefits. We are committed to offering you a fair and transparent opportunity to maximize your potential and success with the "Partnership Affiliate Program".

We will not only focus on rewarding achievements but also prioritize supporting you throughout the development process. We will provide guidance, advice, and necessary resources to help you efficiently build and grow your own community.

Affiliate Level

Affiliate Levels on the Decentralized Affiliate Consuming platform offer not just one, but multiple special benefits to you. As you progress to higher levels, you will gain even more valuable advantages within the MetaHub ecosystem. This Affiliate Level system comprises a total of 20 levels. The benefits of the Affiliate Levels not only make a significant difference but also provide unique opportunities and advantages. With each level you reach, you will experience new conveniences and enhanced opportunities for interacting with the MetaHub community.

The benefits may include, but are not limited to, accelerated token minting speed, increased earnings on the Decentralized Affiliate Consuming platform, access to exclusive tools and resources, and much more. These benefits enable you to gain superior advantages while also reflecting fairness and transparency within the MetaHub partner system.


When your F1 participates in MetaMinting, this will increase your "Total Vesting Amount" by an additional 20% on their Staking value when you are at Level 0 or Level 1."

Not only that, but your "Total Vesting Amount" can also increase significantly by up to 600% on your Staking account as the community below you grows strongly and is accepted up to F20 if you reach Level 20. Additionally, if you become an outstanding community developer, you will receive special rewards such as Direct Rewards, Leadership Rewards...and so on.

There are three ways to increase your Affiliate Level:

  • When an account joins using your referral link (assigned as your F1) and stakes a minimum of $200 worth of tokens, you will receive one level. The more accounts that join using your referral link, the higher your level. Each F1 will only help you level up one time.

  • Once you start owning NFT-Passes in your wallet, your level will increase with a rate of 5 NFT-Passes to one level.

  • If you own stMEN tokens in your wallet, your level will increase with 2500 tokens to one level.

The total number of levels derived from the above three sources will become your official Level, which will decrease accordingly if you move NFT-Pass and stMEN out of your wallet.

Last updated